Dashing the high hopes surrounding the film, Rajinikanth's just-released Kabali poured cold water on the fan's expectations. Lazily-written script and poorly conceived scenes have made the film a big let down that even die-hard fans have left highly disappointed. Writer-director Pa Ranjith committed very basic flaws let alone the film's story, screenplay that are wafer-thin, lackluster.
Right from the cast (except the film's lead cast Rajinikanth, Radhika Apte, Nassar), the film has several shortcomings. PA Ranjith's inexperience is conspicuous as he recruited little known or unknown cast for prominent roles and that left viewers disconnect from the film. Attention to minute details is always good. But giving more attention than it needed definitely don't go well. That's what happened for Kabali.
This isn't all. There's more. The characters which really don't have much importance with the story have given more prominence and the final outcome is a damp squib. Inconsistency in the characterizations is at heights in the film. Also, there's no much heroism in the film that's usually seen in Rajini film. Given his super-stardom and humongous fan base, one can't miss Rajini's heroic acts, one-liners.
Had Ranjith corrected the aforementioned things, the film would have been a better one.
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